Use this form to subscribe to, unsubscribe from, or update your subscription information for the Comunidad eNewsletter

If you’re already subscribed to our eNewsletter and wish to update your subscription information or unsubscribe from the list, enter the e-mail address which is receiving Comunidad messages plus your first and last name on the form, then click the “Subscribe to list” button that you’ll find at the bottom. The system will then detect that you’re already subscribed to the list and you’ll be offered an opportunity to update your profile information via the “Click here to update your profile” link, which will appear underneath the E-mail address field. Clicking on that link causes a confirmation message to be sent to your e-mail account. This ensures that only you can update your subscription information or unsubscribe from the list. To continue with the modification or unsubscribe process, respond to the confirmation e-mail message. Doing so brings you to an editable version of your subscription record. If instead of modifying your subscription information, you wish to unsubscribe from the list, you can use the “Unsubscribe” link, which you’ll find at the bottom of the editable version of the profile.

If you’re newly subscribing to the list, simply fill out the the form and click on the “Subscribe to list” button that you’ll find at the bottom, which will cause a confirmation e-mail to be sent to the e-mail address you specified. To complete the sign-up process, you must respond to the confirmation e-mail message.

We send about 12 to 15 e-mail messages (and, if you’ve provided your postal address, 1 postal mailing) each year. We require your first and last name in order to prevent messages from being sent to your junk/SPAM/bulk folder. And, of course, your e-mail address is required. Everything else asked for on the form is voluntary. The information you provide us is kept confidential; it is never shared. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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